- Queen Of Beauty`s Adhira Delphi (6uts) 193p.
- Lillium Empress Pina Colada (6uts) 192p.
- Treasure V. Nobel Line (6uts) 186p.
- All Mighty Kraun Del Fundita (6uts) 182p.
- Poco Gigante`s Maxima (6uts.) 164p.
- Pride Of Norway`s Hakuna Matata (6uts) 161p.
- Spin Dizzy Nash-Healy (6uts) 133p.
- Acrobatix Her Majesty (6uts) 117p.
- Tarattus Hazel-E (6uts) 109p.
- Be Pawsitive Bambi (6uts) 83p.
- Pride Of Norway`s Heartbeat (6uts) 80p.
- Acrobatix Hermes (6uts) 79p.
- A Kraun Fit For A King Del Fundita (6uts) 52p.
- Camalis Return Of The Jedi (2uts) 20p.
- Queen Of Beauty`s Adhira Delphi (6uts) 193p.
- Treasure V. Nobel Line (6uts) 186p.
- All Mighty Kraun Del Fundita (6uts) 182p.
- Pride Of Norway`s Hakuna Matata (6uts) 161p.
- Acrobatix Hermes (6uts) 79p.
- A Kraun Fit For A King Del Fundita (6uts) 52p.
- Camalis Return Of The Jedi (2uts) 20p.
- Lillium Empress Pina Colada (6uts) 192p.
- Poco Gigante`s Maxima (6uts.) 164p.
- Spin Dizzy Nash-Healy (6uts) 133p.
- Acrobatix Her Majesty (6uts) 117p.
- Tarattus Hazel-E (6uts) 109p.
- Be Pawsitive Bambi (6uts) 83p.
- Pride Of Norway`s Heartbeat (6uts) 80p.
- Lillium Empress Pina Colada (6uts) 150p.
- Major Stars Across The Universe (6uts) 119p.
- Queen Of Beauty`s Adhira Delphi (6uts) 114p.
- Tutti Frutti Del Ailend (4uts) 93p.
- Chibinichi`s Delightful Donna (5uts) 88p.
- Poco Gigante`s Maxima (4uts) 81p.
- All About Attitude`s Empire (2uts) 65 p
- Acrobatix Her Majesty (1uts) 54p
- Poco Gigante`s Lotus Esprit (4uts) 54p.
- Spin Dizzy Nash-Healy (3uts) 51p.
- Verus Amor Belladonna (6uts) 38p.
- Acrobatix Hermes (1uts) 26p.
- Treasure V. Nobel Line (3uts) 26p.
- Chi O`din Utopia (2uts) 24p.
- Major Stars Ambassador Of Love (1uts) 16p.
- Fearless Guardians Esmeralda (1uts) 15p.
- Anjediamonds Hurricane Gilbert (2uts) 7p.
- Tarattus Hazel-E (2uts) 7p.
- Chibinichi`s Don Juan (1uts) 4p.
- Memories Try Again (1uts) 4p.
- Malagris Trionfo Del Vingitore (1uts) 3p.
- All about Attitude Dauntless (1uts) 2p.
- Andeless Summer Shine (1uts) 2p.
- Annabell Soul Vasilisa (1uts) 1p.
- Major Stars Across The Universe (6uts) 119p.
- Queen Of Beauty`s Adhira Delphi (6uts) 114p.
- All About Attitude`s Empire (2uts) 65 p
- Poco Gigante`s Lotus Esprit (4uts) 54p.
- Acrobatix Hermes (1uts) 26p.
- Treasure V. Nobel Line (3uts) 26p.
- Anjediamonds Hurricane Gilbert (2uts) 7p.
- Chibinichi`s Don Juan (1uts) 4p.
- Lillium Empress Pina Colada (6uts) 150p.
- Tutti Frutti Del Ailend (4uts) 93p.
- Chibinichi`s Delightful Donna (5uts) 88p.
- Poco Gigante`s Maxima (4uts) 81p.
- Acrobatix Her Majesty (1uts) 54p
- Spin Dizzy Nash-Healy (3uts) 51p
- Verus Amor Belladonna (6uts) 38p.
- Chi O`din Utopia (2uts) 24p.
- Major Stars Ambassador Of Love (1uts) 16p.
- Fearless Guardians Esmeralda (1uts) 15p.
- Tarattus Hazel-E (2uts) 7p.
- Memories Try Again (1uts) 4p
- Malagris Trionfo Del Vingitore (1uts) 3p.
- All about Attitude Dauntless (1uts) 2p.
- Andeless Summer Shine (1uts) 2p.
- Annabell Soul Vasilisa (1uts) 1p.
- Chervona Kalyna From Golden Monarchy 193
- Rock’N’Rolla V. Nobel Line 181
- Poco Gigante’s Lotus Esprit 179
- Magic Mike V. Nobel Line 166 (bedre gj.snitt)
- Vero Vigore Iz Doma Ljuvira 166
- Nonchalance V. Nobel Line 165
- Norwinstars Jedi Anakin Skywalker 150
- Wild Matahari’s Be The One 141
- Hudson Hawk V. Nobel Line 133
- Baron Wolf Prinsess Ebony Jr 128
- Sl. Luxus Love’s Crazy Quick 120
- Pinserella's Rinaldo Rosso 118
- Poco Gigante’s Koenigsegg Trevita 112
- Tarattus Gripsta 110
- Lilium Empress Pina-Colada 97
- Fashionista V. Nobel Line 96
- Hundeskogen's Cista 92
- Tangetoppen’s Jedi Luke Skywalker 89
- Kahl Drogo V. Nobel Line 83
- Major Stars Across The Universe 82
- Chiqita 78
- OMG V. Nobel Line 77
- Schwima’s Daddys Girl Dharma 73
- Único Perritos Ulva In Red 66
- Hundeskogen’s Beezee 65
- Schwima’s Super Natural 63
- Tutti Frutti Del Ailend 62
- Schwima's Hope To Spin Dizzy 61
- Red Sparrow's Big Country 60
- Chi O'din Miami 59
- Queen Of Beauty's Adhira Delphi 56
- Spin Dizzy Good Enough 53
- Pardon Me Girls V. Nobel Line 52
- Poco Gigante's Maxima 51 (bedre gj.snitt)
- Rottefangeren’s Kinkade Delphi 51
- Chibinichi’s Delightful Donna 49
- Anjediamond’s Ruby 48
- Hagia Sofia Av Ullami 45
- Acrobatix Her Majesty 40
- Chi O’din Utopia 40
- G-Star V. Nobel Line 40
- Fewandfarbetween’s Delta 39
- Fredriksteen’s Woopie M 38
- All About Attitude’s Empire 37
- Beauty & Pride’s Irresistable Nova 37
- Fredriksteen’s Å-Nemi M 36
- Indian Summer V. Nobel Line 36
- Fiery De Star’s Eco Queen 35
- Spin Dizzy Nash-Healey 34
- Pinserella’s Macchiato 32
- Lockwerein’s Diesel 30
- Nobel Diablo Nero-Noir 30
- Único Perritos Tallulah In Red 30
- Boops Amable Edric 28
- Schwima’s Xellent To Beauty 28
- Pride Of Norway’s First Noble Kiss 27
- Made In Line Shot Of Success 26
- Slavjanka Lovelas 26
- Acrobatix Fuel For Life 22
- Norwinstars Eternal Love For Ollo 22
- Odessa V. Nobel Line 21
- Verus Amor Belladonna 21
- Major Stars Ambassador Of Love 19
- Sl. Luxus Love’s Candyman 18
- Acrobatix Hermés 17
- Felizeti’s Beautiful Bella 16
- Schwima’s Queen Of Scandinavia 16
- Sl. Luxus Love’s Copycat 16
- Beauty & Pride’s Golden Lady 14
- A’dreams Black Olga 13
- Baron Wolf Ultima For Estrella 13
- Selpivil Hola Hollie 13
- Wishmaster's Irresistible Niko 13
- All About Attitude’s Apocalypse 12
- Marzan Gatorade 12
- A’dreams Black Jade 11
- Diamond Egoist Leksus-Lambert 11
- Treasure V. Nobel Line 11
- Breaking Dawn V. Nobel Line 10
- Chibinici's Don Juan 10
- Estrellapinsch Jedi Jabiim 10
- Vatnebygda's A Dream Come True 9
- Fearless Guardians Esmeralda 8
- Chi O’din Las Vegas 5
- Anjediamond’s Hurricane Gilbert 5
- Exeline Emily Rose 5
- Fiery De Star's All U Need Is Love 5
- Hadrian Av Ullami 5
- Marzan Calinka 5
- No Diggity V. Nobel Line 5
- Norwinstars Rio 5
- Terracorsos Louder Than Aniara 5
1. Poco Gigante’s Lotus Esprit 179
2. Magic Mike V. Nobel Line 166 (bedre gj.snitt)
3. Vero Vigore Iz Doma Ljuvira 166
4. Norwinstars Jedi Anakin Skywalker 150
5. Hudson Hawk V. Nobel Line 133
6. Sl. Luxus Love’s Crazy Quick 120
7. Pinserella's Rinaldo Rosso 118
8. Tangetoppen’s Jedi Luke Skywalker 89
9. Kahl Drogo V. Nobel Line 83
10. Major Stars Across The Universe 82
11. OMG V. Nobel Line 77
12. Schwima’s Super Natural 63
13. Red Sparrow's Big Country 60
14. Queen Of Beauty's Adhira Delphi 56
15. Pardon Me Girls V. Nobel Line 52
16. All About Attitude’s Empire 37
17. Pinserella’s Macchiato 32
18. Lockwerein’s Diesel 30
18. Nobel Diablo Nero-Noir 30
20. Boops Amable Edric 28
20. Schwima’s Xellent To Beauty 28
22. Made In Line Shot Of Success 26
22. Slavjanka Lovelas 26
24. Acrobatix Fuel For Life 22
25. Sl. Luxus Love’s Candyman 18
26. Acrobatix Hermés 17
27. Wishmaster's Irresistible Niko 13
28. Marzan Gatorade 12
29. Diamond Egoist Leksus-Lambert 11
29. Teasure V. Nobel Line 11
31. Estrellapinsch Jedi Jabiim 10
32. Anjediamond’s Hurricane Gilbert 5
33. Norwinstars Rio 5
1. Chervona Kalyna From Golden Monarchy 193
2. Rock’N’Rolla V. Nobel Line 181
3. Nonchalance V. Nobel Line 165
4. Wild Matahari’s Be The One 141
5. Baron Wolf Prinsess Ebony Jr 128
6. Poco Gigante’s Koenigsegg Trevita 112
7. Tarattus Gripsta 110
8. Lilium Empress Pina-Colada 97
9. Fashionista V. Nobel Line 96
10. Hundeskogen's Cista 92
11. Chiqita 78
12. Schwima’s Daddys Girl Dharma 73
13. Único Perritos Ulva In Red 66
14. Hundeskogen’s Beezee 65
15. Tutti Frutti Del Ailend 62
16. Schwima's Hope To Spin Dizzy 61
17. Chi O'din Miami 59
18. Spin Dizzy Good Enough 53
19. Poco Gigante's Maxima 51 (bedre gj.snitt)
20. Rottefangeren’s Kinkade Delphi 51
21. Chibinichi’s Delightful Donna 49
22. Anjediamond’s Ruby 48
23. Hagia Sofia Av Ullami 45
24. Acrobatix Her Majesty 40
24. Chi O’din Utopia 40
24. G-Star V. Nobel Line 40
27. Fewandfarbetween’s Delta 39
28. Fredriksteen’s Woopie M 38
29. Beauty & Pride’s Irresistable Nova 37
30. Fredriksteen’s Å-Nemi M 36
30. Indian Summer V. Nobel Line 36
32. Fiery De Star’s Eco Queen 35
33. Spin Dizzy Nash-Healey 34
34. Único Perritos Tallulah In Red 30
35. Pride Of Norway’s First Noble Kiss 27
36. Norwinstars Eternal Love For Ollo 22
37. Odessa V. Nobel Line 21
37. Verus Amor Belladonna 21
39. Major Stars Ambassador Of Love 19
40. Felizeti’s Beautiful Bella 16
40. Schwima’s Queen Of Scandinavia 16
40. Sl. Luxus Love’s Copycat 16
43. Beauty & Pride’s Golden Lady 14
44. A’dreams Black Olga 13
45. Baron Wolf Ultima For Estrella 13
46. Selpivil Hola Hollie 13
47. All About Attitude’s Apocalypse 12
48. A’dreams Black Jade 11
49. Breaking Dawn V. Nobel Line 10
50. Vatnebygda's A Dream Come True 9
51. Fearless Guardians Esmeralda 8
52. Chi O’din Las Vegas 5
52. Exeline Emily Rose 5
52. Fiery De Star's All U Need Is Love 5
52. Marzan Calinka 5
52. No Diggity V. Nobel Line 5
52. Terracorsos Louder Than Aniara 5
1. Norwinstars Jedi Anakin Skywalker 205
2. Tangetoppen’s Jedi Luke Skywalker 191
3. Chiqita 158
4. Schwima’s Hope To Spin Dizzy 152
5. Fewandfarbetween’s Delta 135
6. Chi O'din Miami 104
7. Fredriksteen’s Woopie M 80
8. Schwima’s Queen Of Scandinavia 80
9. Fredriksteen’s Å-Nemi M 75
10. Nobel Diablo Nero-Noir 60
11. Wishmaster's Irresistible Niko 35
12. A'dreams Black Jade 25
13. Breakin Dawn V. Nobel Line 25
14. Terracorsos Louder Than Aniara 20
15. Chi O'din Las Vegas 5
1. Norwinstars Jedi Anakin Skywalker 205
2. Tangetoppen’s Jedi Luke Skywalker 191
3. Nobel Diablo Nero-Noir 60
4. Wishmaster's Irresistible Niko 35
1. Chiqita 158
2. Schwima’s Hope To Spin Dizzy 152
3. Fewandfarbetween’s Delta 135
4. Chi O'din Miami 104
5. Fredriksteen’s Woopie M 80
5. Schwima’s Queen Of Scandinavia 80
7. Fredriksteen’s Å-Nemi M 75
8. A'dreams Black Jade 25
8. Breakin Dawn V. Nobel Line 25
10. Terracorsos Louder Than Aniara 20
11. Chi O'din Las Vegas 5
2. Quelebris Showgirl V. Nobel Line 253
3. Norwinstars Jedi Anakin Skywalker 162
4. G-Star V. Nobel Line 154
4. Hudson Hawk V. Nobel Line 154
6. Red Sparrows Big Country 151
7. Breaking Dawn V. Nobel Line 121
8. Frensh Kiss V. Nobel Line 110
9. Xanthos Z Klanu Lobuzow 101
10. Axrobatix Fuel For Life 57
10. Chervona Kalyna From Golden Monarchy 57
3. Red Sparrows Big Country 151
4. Xanthos Z Klanu Lobuzow 101
5. Axrobatix Fuel For Life 57
2. Quelebris Showgirl V. Nobel Line 253
3. G-Star V. Nobel Line 154
4. Breaking Dawn V. Nobel Line 121
5. Frensh Kiss V. Nobel Line 110
6. Chervona Kalyna From Golden Monarchy 57
1. Nobel Line 824
3. Schwima 241
4. Hundeskogen 157
5. Chi O’din 104
6. Major Stars 101
7. Único Perritos 96
8. Spin Dizzy 87
9. Axrobatix 79
10. Chibinichi 59
11. Beauty & Pride 51
12. All About Attitude 49
13. Fiery De Star 40
- Lilla Enebys Bologna (5uts) 120p.
- North Spirit`s Absolut Raw (5uts) 118p.
- Cela Casarius (6uts) 115p.
- Whiquila`s Fireball Cinnamon (4uts) 99p.
- North`s Spirit Rainbow (2uts) 30p.
- North Spirit`s Absolut Kurant (2uts) 10p
- Whiquila`s Fireball Cinnamon (4uts) 99p.
- North`s Spirit Rainbow (2uts) 30p.
- North Spirit`s Absolut Kurant (2uts) 10p.
- Lilla Enebys Bologna (5uts) 120p.
- North Spirit`s Absolut Raw (5uts) 118p.
- Cela Casarius (6uts) 115p.
- Rattenjäger Alcyone 92
- Lilla Enebys Bologna 91
- Pelsklings Almar 75
- Bäretriewer's Merry Christmas 71
- Noble Aristocrat A Touch Of Whiskey 53
- Spirit Of Moria’s Fëanturi 28
- Bright Fox Dragon Flame 28
- Spirit Of Moria’s Felaróf 23
- Lilla Enebys Winnie Puuh 22
- Cela Casarius 4
- Whiquila’s Fireball Cinnamon 4
- Donna Zemes Zvaigzde 3
- Spirit Of Moria’s Finwë 3
- Zhivariis Kobra 3
- Megamagee Friggin’ Awsome 2
- Pelsklings Almar 75
- Noble Aristocrat A Touch Of Whiskey 53
- Bright Fox Dragon Flame 28
- Spirit Of Moria’s Felaróf 23
- Whiquila’s Fireball Cinnamon 4
- Spirit Of Moria’s Finwë 3
- Zhivariis Kobra 3
- Rattenjäger Alcyone 92
- Lilla Enebys Bologna 91
- Bäretriewer's Merry Christmas 71
- Spirit Of Moria’s Fëanturi 28
- Lilla Enebys Winnie Puuh 22
- Cela Casarius 4
- Donna Zemes Zvaigzde 3
- Megamagee Friggin’ Awsome 2
2. Lilla Enebys Stardust 112
3. Megamagee Legato Lungo 109
4. Lilla Enebys Tillie 77
5. Spirit Of Moria’s Eärendil 67
6. Magleddies Mostawesome 64
7. Lilla Enebys Winnie Puuh 63
8. Clefell’s Rosebud 60
9. Spirit Of Moria's Bruinen 59
10. Ängagårdens Eclipse 55
11. Bäretriewer’s Merry Christmas 53
12. Lilla Enebys Bologna 51 (bedre gj.snitt)
13. Rattenjäger Alcyone 51
14. Zhivariis Imprezzive Inca 38
15. Pelsklings Almar 36
16. Spirit Of Moria’s Dor-Iómin 33
17. Dogiwogin Yenina In Lilla Eneby 30
18. Noble Aristocrat A Tuch Of Whiskey 29
19. Yrkraft's Ambra 26
20. Zhivariis Hunting Hera 22
21. Black Kisser’s Dude Dakarai 21
21. Sommarstadens Joker 21
23. Spirit Of Moria’s Ancalimë 20
24. Spirit Of Moria’s Berylla 18
25. Spirit Of Moria’s Belecthor 17
25. Upland Kerria 17
27. Coffee Soul Amber 15
28. Bright Fox Dragon Flame 13
28. Ference Concetto Edward 13
28. Hickson Love At Ceasars Palace 13
28. Spirit Of Moria’s Enyalië 13
28. Whiquila’s Mansory 13
28. Yrkraft's Arez 13
34. Spirit Of Moria’s Fëanturi 11
35. Spirit Of Moria’s Felaróf 10
35. Xitamiz Trayan 10
2. Magleddies Mostawesome 64
3. Pelsklings Almar 36
4. Noble Aristocrat A Tuch Of Whiskey 29
5. Black Kisser’s Dude Dakarai 21
5. Sommarstadens Joker 21
7. Spirit Of Moria’s Belecthor 17
8. Bright Fox Dragon Flame 13
8. Ference Concetto Edward 13
8. Hickson Love At Ceasars Palace 13
8. Whiquila’s Mansory 13
8. Yrkraft's Arez 13
13. Spirit Of Moria’s Felaróf 10
13. Xitamiz Trayan 10
3. Lilla Enebys Tillie 77
4. Spirit Of Moria’s Eärendil 67
5. Lilla Enebys Winnie Puuh 63
6. Clefell’s Rosebud 60
7. Spirit Of Moria's Bruinen 59
8. Ängagårdens Eclipse 55
9. Bäretriewer’s Merry Christmas 53
10. Lilla Enebys Bologna 51 (bedre gj.snitt)
11. Rattenjäger Alcyone 51
12. Zhivariis Imprezzive Inca 38
13. Spirit Of Moria’s Dor-Iómin 33
14. Dogiwogin Yenina In Lilla Eneby 30
15. Yrkraft's Ambra 26
16. Zhivariis Hunting Hera 22
17. Spirit Of Moria’s Ancalimë 20
18. Spirit Of Moria’s Berylla 18
19. Upland Kerria 17
20. Coffee Soul Amber 15
21. Spirit Of Moria’s Enyalië 13
22. Spirit Of Moria’s Fëanturi 11
2. Clefell’s Rosebud 50
3. Xitamiz Trayan 34
1. Maggleddies Mostawesome 145
2. Xitamiz Trayan 34
1. Megamagee Legato Lungo 179
2. Clefell’s Rosebud 147
3. Maggleddies Mostawsome 145
2. Maggleddies Mostawsome 145
- Spirit of Moria - 214 poeng